How Coronavirus is Affecting my Area

Coronavirus calls for social distancing

Covid-19 or Coronavirus has made a very effective impact in not only my area, but the whole world. It originated in Wuhan, China, and rapidly made its way all across the globe. It started off seemingly as just the regular flu However, it soon took a turn for the worse and started infecting millions and killing thousands. My area has taken action by having a state lockdown.

Nearly, if not all schools have shut down and transitioned into online learning. My first thoughts on this new way of life was excitement and happiness because I was now able to have more free time and not have to get up early for school. However this thought slowly changed because I was not seeing my friends as much and I experienced some boredom. I started trying new hobbies and learning more about this disease from the World Health Organization website. As humans, we can start to feel gloomy without much human interaction or going out of houses so as I like to say, stay positive, good things will come.

My neighborhood held a social distancing picnic where we served baked goods and drinks. Before the picnic though, everyone made sure no one was experiencing symptoms even in the slightest. We had to wear face masks and everything was sanitized. Thankfully all my family, friends, and neighbors are safe and healthy. The future is unknown with Covid being part of it. I hope things will be at least almost back to normal soon. As of now it is important to stay safe.

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